The story of my life actually centers around "the significant one", contratry to what I always believe that melancholy would always detain me in gloom. At first thought or glance at me it seems like my idea about love is ultimately the totality and gruesomeness of rejections and failures I have in the pages of my life. In reality, it signifies "A Very Special Love" in that it tells you the bitter-sweet details of love without any lack of description and information. However, this ultimate adoration and emotion of the actual loving and love itself is not the main focal point of this unromantic tale. The real story centers on one awesome person, an acquaintance, and inspiration - that person is YOU.
You show the greatest heartwarming prowess of any of the people that surround me and you have the greatest emotion-controlling ability of all the people in the world. On an everyday account, you become special from the rest when you draw back from the ordinary and create a world marked by your personal detections and refuse to be dictated by the standards of life in order to survive. Not only you as the significant person able and exceptional from the rest, but you also ultimately had shaped the truth that you were chosen to brighten up my day as opposed to others' option of a dull and monotonous life. You know how important for you to be true in the middle of lies and dishonesty and gain great respect for doing so.
You can transform the world by your genuine thoughts and pure intentions, not because you are a peace advocate but because your character is so moving that it effects changes.
With you I won't weep, with you there's no sorrow. Because of you I broke free from melancholy. I see myself composed, jovial and humbled by your presence. I am pleased at this happening and therefore aim to show you how grateful I am for making me believe that melancholy always mirrors my life - sometimes it is only a state of mind.