In the heat of the heartbreak, a new friendship starts to build up, unexpected and it promises a dazzling future. The emotional pain still lingers on me - there where it was, inside the heart. What could possibly make it a little lesser this time are the people who can make pain disappear and offer kindness. Life could be very tedious without them - an act of humanity spells out healing which is made obvious by their thoughtfulness match with emphaty, these are essentials for recovery. I knew that I have to forgive myself so I can forgive my offenders to be able to set free from the pain. I must experience what it feels like to be broken, endure the heartache and survive this struggle - in the end, I know I am picking up.
I remember all too well thinking that the people I value the most are the same people who broke my heart. The feeling is undeniably painful, they're all bringing on the heartbreak. Sometimes I still do worry that I wouldn't be able to heal - I fear that I will be forever stucked on this emotional burden, be stationary and fail to move on. But I take my perceptions with a grain of salt. After all, I haven't exactly proved myself to be a good judge in that regard. Somehow I've come to a point where I don't need to measure how much pain would there be in my heart or could it be at the end of this all, happiness matters. I know I am happy and well right now. I gave up a lot - my inspiration, friendships, a sense of community and security. But in return, I got my self back. I am picking up.