Saturday, April 26, 2008


Burry me deep under because I am dead, I died when I chose to die. Burry me deep under and never remember so I can forget that once you came along and left me too soon. Dig my pit and burry me deep under, cover me not with earth but forgotten memories. Burry me, forget me for eternity. I am alive. I am dead. I live to die. Burry me deep. Thrust me to my pit of sorrow, pain and heartaches and let them feast on my heart and soul like worms feast on a corpse’s body. Shed no tear, you are not worthy grieving. I am alive, I am dead inside. Soon I’ll die, will you burry me?
I am broken and pieces of me are scattered in the past. I can’t make myself whole again. I tried hard but I always go back to where I started losing every piece of my heart. It seemed to me that I am forever trapped in my past and I just can’t move on. I can’t because I don’t want to. I chose to always endure the pain, bear sorrow and cry tears at night. I don’t want to stop the pain; I always wanted to be hurt. If I stop, this would mean the start of gathering every piece of me and fix me to become the way I used to be. I don’t want to be whole again only to realize that you are forever gone. I want to keep my seemingly never-ending brokenness; at least I am stronger though broken.

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